Kamis, 12 November 2009

To be a priest

To be a priest.? Becoming a priest is my orientation in the future. I want to be a priest because many peoples need service and the little quantitation of priest for this time. Becoming a priest is my dream when I was second grade in Junior High School.

I want to be a priest also because I look the white long cloth that were by my priest. I want becoming a priest because my friend, my parent, the bishop of Medan Mgr. Datubara, and soon. I know, becoming a priest is not easy. So, I try and hard work so that my life better than before. Because, I sure becoming a priest, I included to Seminary.

My dream is to be a priest, but also I want to be designer of picture and computer progremer. My wanting to be success full in progremer already for long time arisen. I thing becoming a designer and progremer is make me feel happy, because can has find the good things and purpose.

I have over tried to designer picture but I think is not good. It’s very bad. My working not perfect, it’s because I not yet know many steps to make it. I want to looking my skills and I want to hard work. Every one have dificullty for life, like me too. Because of that I want to hard work for it.

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